Saturday 3 March 2018

Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer

The phrase ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ could not hit any harder, especially when it comes to the present discussion related to cancer and our present state of nutrition and health. I do understand that venturing into this discussion may be touchy due to the fact that we have only allowed medical doctors to dictate the present cases, acceptable cures and latest treatments regarding cancer; while the everyday citizen without a medical degree has succumbed to it and the fact that they wake up one day and discover they (we) have cancer in some form or another. As a nutritionist I feel that it is my duty to open up the discussion to everyone here; discussing healing through nutrition hasn’t been made illegal (yet).
I unequivocally stand by the belief that many types of cancer can be cured with food and earth elements, as well as cure many other types of illnesses that exist out there today. What I don’t want you to take away from this is the idea that I am encouraging you to leave your present treatment or your oncologist if you are currently battling cancer. Even with this however, I do feel it is important to highlight one of the greatest cover-ups in the history of cancer treatment that happens to be related to a little known (to the greater public) anti-cancer remedy and treatment known as Laetrile, which is also known as vitamin B17.
One of the greatest concentrated sources of vitamin B17 can be found in the seed of fruit that many of us may have taken for granted: the apricot. The actual seed is found beneath the hard pit of the apricot. The anti-cancer agent found in the actual Laetrile B17 vitamin is known as amygdalin.
Question:“If B17 is so powerful and helpful towards cancer elimination then why is it not prescribed by modern Physicians as a treatment?”
Simple Answer:“A control for cancer is known, and it comes from nature, but it is not widely available to the public because it cannot be patented, and therefore is not commercially attractive to the pharmaceutical industry.”
 — G. Edward Griffin.
So once again the lives of many are held hostage at the cost of patents, certain doctor’s incomes and a possible sizable reduction of chemotherapy centers; that would thus reduce profits for the pharmaceutical industry. What makes vitamin B17 so powerful is the fact that it is comprised of glucose and hydrogen cyanide. The way it actively destroys cancer cells is by the glucose ‘injecting’ itself into the cancer cell. Then the cyanide and benzaldahyde from the glucose create a targeted poison that kills the cancer cell. This natural form of chemotherapy was (and still is) considered controversial. Many medical professionals claim B17 is toxic. Well, the last time I checked, having cancer (in any form) is toxic in itself and causes death daily. The only thing B17 is toxic to is cancer cells and a corrupt government.
So Here’s Where The Cover-Up Comes In
Although it was not approved for treatment by the FDA, doctors like John A. Richardson M.D. began using it “illegally” to treat patients at his clinic in San Francisco, and it was working remarkably better than orthodox treatments. His success with laetrile is documented in Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience by John A. Richardson M.D. and Patricia Irving Griffin, R.N. However the team was later was forced to downplay the overall benefits of B-7 when held up against conventional cancer treatments. The FDA then came out hard in its attack on Laetrile. The FDA considers Laetrile an unapproved form of treatment and ‘illegal’ for a practitioner to administer, therefore you cannot buy Laetrile in the US, though you can buy B17 / amygdalin in supplement form. You can also gather the seed of the apricot and consume them at your discretion either as an anti-cancer agent or even in the midst of battling cancer (as reported by those who defeated cancer using B17).
An apricot cut in half to expose its kernel. The seeds are found inside the kernel. Via: Anna Kucherova | Shutterstock
An apricot cut in half to expose its kernel. The seeds are found inside the kernel. Via: Anna Kucherova | Shutterstock
“What would happen if everyone in the world ate right, and in addition to this knew about the healing effects of B-17?”
This question I’m sure is one that many of those attacking the documented benefits of B17 couldn’t bear to answer. Outraged by the B17 cover-up by the FDA and the AMA, for a 5 year period between 1972 and 1977 studies were conducted by Sloan-Kettering on the anti-cancer benefits of B17 to which it was concluded that:
  1. Laetrile inhibited the growth of tumors.
  2. It stopped the spreading (metastasizing) of cancer in mice.
  3. It relieved pain related to cancer.
  4. It acted as a cancer preventative.
  5. It improved general health of the cancer patient.
One of the researchers on that panel, Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura was asked:“Do you stick by your belief that laetrile stops the spread of cancer?” He replied famously, “I stick.” But then later Sloan-Kettering came out and fired one of its top spokesman on the subject, Ralph Moss for reporting on the findings. This passive-aggressive type of behavior when it comes to natural cures for cancer only hurts the general public at large.
But while it is one thing to hear about clinical trials of B17 and how it eliminates cancer cells, it is totally different when actual, real life people have cured themselves of cancer and are living to talk about it. These are people who have fought back against the system, took control of their destiny and listened to their own bodies. To read one such story, that of Christopher Wark, click here.
The Legacy Of Dr. Max Gerson
I wouldn’t do any service or justice to try and tell the full story of Dr. Max Gerson in this particular piece. But what I will tell you is that his legacy is continuing through his daughter, Charlotte Gerson in San Diego. The San Diego location acts as an informative hub. The actual cancer treatment center is located in Tijuana, Mexico and Budapest, Hungary due to United States laws on cancer treatment. Even if you are not 100% percent convinced that any of this has any validity, you still owe it to yourself to know about The Gerson Institute and what Dr. Max Gerson was doing for cancer patients before he was marginalized, stripped of his medical license and ultimately set up. To know more about the Gerson Therapy click here.
Dry apricot seeds. Via: JIANG HONGYAN | Shutterstock
Dry apricot seeds. Via: JIANG HONGYAN | Shutterstock
Being Proactive In Our Fight Against Getting Cancer
The best medicine is preventative medicine. I don’t have to read off a long list of statistics. If you’re an American, on the standard American diet or even an immigrant who has accepted the standard diet of present society, if you exercise very little and engage in other harmful bodily choices, then cancer is running after you: that’s a statistical fact. There are some instances when no matter what you do, cancer will find you. Even if this is the case, it is no excuse to not be proactive and get an early start of ridding even the slightest possibility of getting cancer in any form.
As powerful as B17 is, there are also many other natural foods that have been shown to be helpful in warding off cancer. Consuming black seed (Nigella sativa), aloe gel, aloe juice, ginger, chia, cumin, flax,  large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables, turmeric, goji berries, food mushrooms (white button, shitake, etc), Swiss chard, chili peppers, spirulina, wheatgrass, and sumac are all beneficial — as is regular periodic fasting. And many other plant based spices and foods have been shown to be helpful in the fight to keep cancer at bay. Eating is one thing, how we live and think is another. Meditate daily. Don’t smoke cigarettes..
All we truly have in this world is the present moment. In this present moment, let us learn about suppressed natural treatments for not only ailments related to cancer, but on many other diseases as well. Why isn’t nutrition taught consistently in medical school? It is something to think about. It is never too late to change. It is not too late to take the power back. Here’s to your health.

Is There Really a Conspiracy to Suppress Cancer Cures?

Is There Really a Conspiracy
to Suppress Cancer Cures?

Michael Higgins

RED MEATtaglinefrom the secret files of max cannon
I've just found the cure for cancer!
Oh dear. I'm very sorry to hear that.
cure for cancerthe cancer conspiracy
No, I said "cure for cancer" not "I have cancer."
Yes I know, now we'll both be out of a job.
cure for cancerthe cancer conspiracy
hmmm... Maybe I've haven't found a cure.
Phew! You had me worried for a moment.
cure for cancerthe cancer conspiracy
(Cartoon generated by "Build Your Own Meat")
The world of "alternative" cancer treatments abounds with claims like these:
“The war on cancer is largely a fraud.”
“In 1964, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spent millions of dollars to stop an alternative cancer treatment which had cured hundreds, if not thousands, of cancer patients”
“The pharmaceutical multinationals, unable to patent or claim exclusive rights to the vitamin, launched a propaganda attack of unprecedented viciousness against B17, despite the fact that hard proof of its efficiency in controlling all forms of cancer surrounds us in overwhelming abundance.”
The general story is that there is a conspiracy by the established medical industry to keep the cure for cancer hidden. This is the “cancer conspiracy” discussed on this page. The reasoning behind this theory typically goes like this:
Alleged Fact 1:Cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry.
  + Alleged Fact 2:Treatment x cures cancer so well it would destroy that industry.
    => Conclusion:Some individuals, companies, and government organisations involved in the industry are suppressing the information about x to keep their industry thriving.
As a cancer patient myself, I would like nothing better than to believe that there is a cure for my cancer out there in the world of alternative medicine. However, when you look closely at the medical industry, the possibility of such a cover-up seems implausible.

Who are the conspirators?

I have been living with cancer for three years and during that time been treated by approximately half a dozen medical practioners. I have been fortunate because almost all of them have been remarkably compassionate and caring people. At least one of them was motivated to pursue cancer research by the loss of a close relative.
All of these individuals had partaken in medical research at some stage in their careers, and about half of them were actively involved in research regarding treating cancer patients at the time of my treatment. One of them sat on the board of a private pharmaceuticals company, another was an adviser to a government agency. If you look across the world there must be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people like them.
They are the people I am being asked to believe are conspiring to keep the truth hidden from me in order to keep their jobs. I believe that every single one of them would gladly quit their profession and retrain tomorrow if their patients could suddenly be cured without their help. Yet this conspiracy theory requires not just one or two bad-apples knowingly letting their patients die, but a huge number, probably the majority, of medical professionals, in medical research, would need to be involved.

But isn't cancer Big Business ?

Of course it is! In Australia, where I live, the majority of research is funded by the government and done by universities and large teaching hospitals. The cost of treating cancer patients takes up a large, and increasing proportion of the government health budget. The cancer conspiracy would suggest that the government is so concerned about keeping the business running (in this case the hospital beds full) that they would hide any discovery that would free up hospital resources. Even the most cynical should realise that the huge cost of treating cancer patients is something the government is keen to reduce not increase. The financial incentive is clearly on the side of finding the cure, not hiding it.
On the other hand, I would certainly concede that private commercial funding only targets treatments that would be profitable. Typically, this is patentable drugs and excludes most alternatives. So this type of research complements rather than replaces government funded research. But the fact that billions of dollars are being spent by private companies on such research is something that I am entirely grateful for. To me the idea that these companies could control medical knowledge, or even the individuals who work for them is ridiculous.

Why are so many people saying there is a Cancer Conspiracy?

Are there really so many? There are billions of people who don't believe these theories, but somehow a website that says "I believe what's logical and reasonable, like most people" doesn't seem so interesting.
Those who do go to the trouble of putting together an "alternative" cancer treatment website generally seem intent on making money out of it. Ironic isn't it!
Besides, the Internet is the home of conspiracy theories. You could find one on just about any subject. I am grateful we have so many independent thinkers and the freedom to express ourselves. But I get angry when I see vulnerable people being told lies and exploited for a profit.

What about the tobacco industry?

The tobacco industry makes billions of dollars from selling a major cancer causing product. Furthermore, the government makes additional billions from taxes on tobacco products. If there was ever a case where money was going to hide the facts about a product then this would be it.
But has that happened? No. In Australia, cigarette boxes are covered with warnings like “Smoking Kills”and “Smoking is addictive” and advertising of tobacco products is totally banned. In fact the government spends millions of dollars educating the population about the dangers of smoking.
There is evidence that initial research performed by tobacco companies was suppressed, so indeed these companies have certainly acted unethically and immorally. But despite the fact that these businesses and the government make billions out of the industry, the truth was not suppressed for long. If anything, this case demonstrates that even when both big business and government have vast financial interests in hiding the truth, it simply can't be done.

Couldn't a cure for cancer come from alternative medicine?

If history has taught us anything about cancer, it is that it is not an easy disease to cure. It is 2,400 years after the disease was first recorded by Hippocrates and presumably even longer since the first treatment was attempted. If traditional medicine has failed for this long, it seems to me that a cure will require every fraction of recently obtained knowledge about microbiology, the human genome, and modern medicine. It seems unlikely that fields of research outside this body of knowledge will make a lot of progress. But if an "alternative" practitioner did stumble onto an effective method, the scientific community would quickly embrace it and there would be no cover-up.


I know there isn't any cancer conspiracy because I know that the people doing and running the research are human. Their lives, like mine, have been touched by cancer. They, like me, would do anything to save the lives of the people they love. Furthermore, I assume that any treatments associating themselves with a conspiracy theory have something to hide—the simple fact that their treatment doesn't work.

Michael Higgins was an Australian engineer who was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2001. This article was the centerpiece of a Web site he set up in 2003 to help prevent others with cancer from wasting their time, money, and even their health pursuing worthless "cures." During its four-year lifetime, the site had more than 120,000 page hits and generated more than 300 feedback emails. Mr. Higgins died in 2004, but to preserve his message, the article was offered to the Quackwatch network

Is There a Connection Between Antibiotic Use and Cancer?

Is There a Connection Between Antibiotic Use and Cancer?

Before the discovery of antibiotics, people had very little choice when dealing with an infection. The only choice was basically to “wait and see” if the body could overcome it on its own. For infected body parts there was also the grim option of cutting off the affected body part for fear of dying. This was an especially difficult choice back then because surgeries were routinely performed without anesthesia! It was not until 1928 that the very first antibiotic was discovered and the treatment of infection changed dramatically.
It’s true that antibiotics can help the body overcome infections faster. The significant downside though is that they also kill friendly bacteria in the intestines while killing off infection-causing bacteria. Eighty percent of the immune system starts in the gut, so anything interfering with gut health can potentially lead to various health problems, including cancer.
Just because doctors routinely prescribe antibiotics does not mean you should routinely take them. The word antibiotic actually means “against life” or “anti body.” There are many other ways to treat infection and maintain a healthy immune system. How we treat infections (both local as in a cut or wound or systemic such as a cold or flu) is greatly influenced by how we believe disease starts in the body.

The Battle of Two Theories: Is Disease Caused by Germs or Are Germs Caused by Disease?

The conventional way of “thinking” about disease is due to a choice that was made in the middle of the last century. Two French scientists, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp, were the center of controversial assertions and research over the Germ Theory and the Cellular Theory of disease. Bechamp’s research proved most disease is generated in the body when it is out of balance or malnourished. His theories stood consistent with thousands of years of history.
Pasteur plagiarized the more prominent Bechamp’s research, and claimed he had “discovered” germs. Ultimately, Pasteur’s theories won and were adopted by the allopathic medical movement, which embraced the theory that germs cause disease and the only way to treat disease is with pharmaceutical drugs. The basic belief adopted was that there are thousands of germs outside the body just waiting to attack us.
Pasteur’s theories are revered by modern medicine and have been the premise behind profitable “treatments” in the form of drugs, vaccines, and surgeries formulated by the pharmaceutical companies.

Pasteur’s Germ Theory:

  • Disease arises from outside the body.
  • Disease can “strike” anyone anytime.
  • Bacteria should be fought and guarded against.

Bechamp’s Cellular Theory:

  • Disease arises from cells within the body.
  • Disease happens in unhealthy conditions.
  • In homeostasis, micro-organisms function to build tissue and assist the body.
Because most of Western society has adopted the Germ Theory, antibiotics are being routinely prescribed without taking into account the future damage they may cause. In addition, because modern medicine is driven by profit and how high a stock can go to please investors, natural and alternative methods to combat bacterial and viral infections are almost never recommended by a conventional doctor.

Antibiotics Routinely Given Early in Life

Baby Taking MedicineOne of the worst things you can do for the health of a child is to give antibiotics, and yet antibiotics are the most commonly prescribed medications for infants. Babies have immature immune systems and should not be given anything but their mother’s milk, unless a doctor can justify a serious, almost life threatening reason.
Giving antibiotics to an infant will forever alter their immune system. According to a study published this year in the Journal Cell Host Microbe, “Recent epidemiological data suggests an association between early antibiotic use and disease phenotypes in adulthood.”
Antibiotics are often prescribed for childhood ear infections, which could likely be viral and not bacterial. Several studies have shown that over 80% of ear infections clear on their own without an antibiotic. Sadly, most children never reach their first birthday before being prescribed at least one antibiotic.
A closer look at ingredients will reveal many different additives along with the antibiotic drug: artificial colorings (of which there could be many), sugars, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives. These toxic additives are unhealthy for anyone, but especially a young child whose immune system is maturing.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has revised their guidelines on treating ear infections due to adverse side effects of antibiotics. As many ear infections are caused by viruses as well, the standard protocol is to “watch and wait” and see if the ear infection clears on its own. Nevertheless, early antibiotic use could be setting our children up for disease and cancer down the road.

The Overuse of Antibiotics

PrintAntibiotics do nothing to combat viral infections, which include most coughs, colds, and upper respiratory illnesses. Despite not being effective for viruses, conventional doctors still routinely prescribe antibiotics for these types of infections. This has contributed to the problem of MRSA, an antibiotic resistant bacterium, and other antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.
The US Centers for Disease Control recognizes that the overprescribing of antibiotics is contributing to a growth in antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and creating a new set of problems for the public. Unfortunately, antibiotics aren’t just routinely given to humans; they are also present in our food supply. Most of the conventionally produced meats and dairy products (found in your typical grocery store, deli, and restaurant) contain antibiotics.
Since antibiotics don’t discriminate and also kill “good” bacteria in the gut, they can cause inflammation and destroy the immune system over time. Cancer is an inflammatory illness and antibiotics contribute to inflammation.

Antibiotic Use Linked to Cancer and Other Disease

Antibiotic use in childhood infancy (and any other time in life) is linked to various autoimmune diseases. Antibiotics cause imbalances in gut microbiota, called dysbiosis, which contributes to a weaker immune system. Weak immunity can potentially lead to a myriad of diseases and cancer.
The International Journal of Cancer published a study demonstrating the link between antibiotic usage and the risk for developing breast, lung, prostate, and colon cancer. The study also showed an increase in less common cancers such as cancers of the pancreas, bladder, kidney, and thyroid, as well as myeloma, leukemia, and non-melanoma skin cancers. Let’s look at how antibiotic use could have an effect on breast cancer and colon cancer in particular.

Research Points to an Elevated Risk of Breast Cancer

An article published by Dr. Josh Axe, a clinical nutritionist, doctor of natural medicine, and one of the Global Quest docu-series experts, cautions on the many dangers of antibiotics. He discusses two major studies that discovered an association between antibiotic usage and breast cancer.
Breast cancer
One study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed that any amount of antibiotic use potentially increases breast cancer risk in women. Antibiotics increase the risk for cancer through its effects on inflammation, immune function, and metabolism of estrogen and phytochemicals.
The National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences states this study shows an association between antibiotic use and breast cancer, but does not necessarily prove cause and effect.
Another study in Finland showed similar results: women who took antibiotics had an elevated risk of breast cancer. In addition, researchers from the University of Athens reviewed a number of published studies and concluded antibiotic use is linked to a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. With research like this, one should be cautious about antibiotic usage.

Could Altering Gut Flora Contribute to Colon Cancer?

In June 2014, Fox News reported on the increase in colon cancer associated with antibiotic use, citing studies that found colorectal cancer patients have a microbiome in the gut that is altered, compared to healthy people. Tissue from colorectal tumors also showed lower bacterial diversity, along with higher levels of certain harmful bacteria, which has been linked to a higher risk of colorectal cancer.
In one study, researchers looked at medical records of more than 22,000 patients over a period of six years in the United Kingdom. Patients who had a family history of colorectal cancer were excluded and risk factors for colorectal cancer such as diabetes, smoking, obesity, and alcohol consumption were controlled in the study.
The study compared the amount of antibiotics taken by a group of approximately 86,000 healthy people to the amount of antibiotics the colorectal patients took at least six months prior to being diagnosed with cancer. Results showed that those who had taken antibiotics, “including penicillins, quinolones and metronidazole, were 8 to 11 percent more likely to develop colorectal cancer.”
Despite the cancer industry’s failure to acknowledge a connection between antibiotic use and cancer, there are sufficient studies to indicate caution when choosing to take an antibiotic. Most of us have taken antibiotics at some point in our lives. Strengthening immunity and implementing natural remedies in place of antibiotics can go a long way towards repairing the damage our bodies have suffered as a result. Let’s look at this next.

Ways to Naturally Strengthen Immunity and Reverse Antibiotic Damage

The old adage “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” just might be true. Your body is capable of overcoming most infections without antibiotics. When the body overcomes an infection naturally it builds a stronger immune system, whereas antibiotics weaken your immunity over time.
Antibiotics may help kill bacteria, but they do not always eliminate all of it. Additionally, they do not discriminate between the bad bacteria and healthy bacteria. Good bacterial flora is critical for immune system function and killing it creates an imbalance which contributes to both re-infection and the risk of new infection. It’s important to only use antibiotics when absolutely necessary for a serious illness and to supplement with quality probiotics.
Making pickling cucumbersTo keep your immune system functioning properly it is important to engage in regular exercise and eat a balanced, organic diet. In addition, limiting consumption of alcohol and grains, and eating quality fermented foods (not the commercial brands found in most grocery stores) such as raw pickled cucumbers, unpasteurized miso, raw or lightly pasteurized organic yogurt and kefir, will help keep your gut in balance.
If you do get an infection, there are many natural alternatives that are not only antibacterial, but also antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic. In most cases these are much better alternatives to powerful antibiotics and they likely won’t disturb the normal, healthy flora in your gut – at least not to the extent that an antibiotic will.

Top Natural Remedies for Infection

Silver: Despite the fact the medical establishment has not fully embraced silver as treatment for infection, there are nearly three decades of solid medical research demonstrating its powerful antiviral properties. This safe, natural mineral comes in a variety of forms, including colloidal silver.
Recent clinical research proves silver so powerful that it stops HIV from infecting human cells. The key is getting silver in extremely small particles that are nanometers (nm) in size. (A nanometer is one billionth of a meter.)
In June 2005, a 10-page study was published in the well-respected journal Nanobiotechnology proving that introducing tiny nano-particles of silver in a test tube with the AIDS virus alongside human cells, kept the virus from infecting the human cells.
Silver can be taken under the tongue for colds, flu, or other infections (both viral and bacterial), placed on the skin for cuts or skin infections, or even placed in the ear for an ear infection.
Silver comes in parts per million or ppm. More ppm is not necessarily better. In fact, I recommend only getting as high as 10 ppm while making sure the silver are nano-sized particles. Silver or nano-silver can be purchased in health food stores or online.
Garlic: Modern medicine is slowly beginning to recognize the amazing healing powers of garlic as antibiotics continue to lose their punch against superbugs such as MRSA. Garlic has been shown to help everything from the common cold to cancer, and more recently has been clinically shown to slow the growth of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, without disturbing normal flora.
One study showed a dramatic decrease in colds (64%) when supplementing daily with garlic and symptom duration was reduced by 70%.
Garlic has powerful antiviral, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties, and is super easy to include in your daily meal plan.
Organic garlic whole and cloves on the wooden backgroundIf you have an infection and especially a sore throat, eating garlic raw is best. Bite into a peeled clove to let the juices escape and then hold the garlic clove in your mouth, biting and moving it around for 5 to 10 minutes to let the juice soothe the back of your throat. You can then chew the clove and swallow it. Doing this multiple times throughout the day (as much as every hour) can help speed healing quite rapidly; sometimes in just 24 hours if caught early enough.
Chopping garlic and allowing it to “sit” allows for more allicin (the compound in garlic containing antiviral and antibacterial properties) to be produced. You can add garlic to any dish for an immune boost such as steamed vegetables, guacamole, butter, mashed potatoes, soup, hot sauce, or even tea.
Oil of Oregano: Oregano may just be the most powerful of all natural antibiotics. There are over 800 studies demonstrating the power of carvacrol, a healing compound found in oregano. Carvacrol has been clinically proven by scientific research to reverse or decrease all of the following: viruses, parasites, infections (both bacterial and fungal), allergies, inflammation, tumors, E. Coli, and Candida.
Oil of oregano is extremely potent and it usually comes diluted with olive oil. The higher the carvacrol percentage, usually the more potent the oil. However, some companies will standardize to a high carvacrol percentage, but then add more carrier oil. If you are using straight essential oil of oregano, then it should be diluted with either water or oil (eg. olive or coconut oil). Dr. Axe recommends taking oil of oregano for up to two weeks maximum.
Dried oregano spice is fine for pregnant mothers, but pregnant women should use caution with oregano oil and only take as instructed by a qualified medical practitioner.
echinaceaEchinacea: Now that it’s fall in the Northern hemisphere, and with more colds and flu occurring in colder months, Echinacea is one herb you may want to keep handy in your herbal medicine cabinet. Echinacea has been studied and used widely for a number of infections including flu, gum disease, genital herpes, vaginal yeast infections, infections of the blood, syphilis, malaria, typhoid, diphtheria, and strep throat.
The following dosages of Echinacea have been scientifically studied for treatment of upper respiratory infections, including colds and flu:
  • Echinacea liquid (Echinagard): 20 drops every 2 hours for the first day of symptoms, then 3 times daily for up to 10 days.
  • A tablet containing 100 mg of a proprietary Echinacea angustifolia root extract (Monoselect Echinacea, PharmExtracta, Italy): 2 tablets daily for 15 days, then 1 tablet daily for 15 days, then 1 tablet every other day for 60 days to help prevent colds and the flu.
  • Echinacea purpurea liquid: 0.9 ml 3 times daily for 4 months to help prevent colds.
Honey drip in jarHoney: The medicinal importance of honey as an anti-microbial agent has been known for centuries and is well documented in medical literature. Many scientists have documented honey’s antibacterial properties. Natural, unheated honey is a broad-spectrum antibacterial/microbial agent effective against even antibiotic resistant bacteria.
A promising study in The Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine looked at the different types of honey and their effectiveness for anti-microbial resistant strains of bacteria, particularly for wound care such as burns. Tualang honey and Manuka honey were found to have powerful antibacterial properties against resistant strains of pathogens.
Furthermore, the study showed the benefits of locally produced honey compared to commercial brands. Honey is best if it’s local, raw, and unpasteurized.
Other natural remedies that can possibly be used in place of potentially harmful antibiotics include: olive leaf, astragalus, grapefruit seed extract, raw apple cider vinegar, virgin coconut oil, fermented foods, and supplemental probiotics.
From this list there is one particular remedy that I have found great results with. It is a remedy called Fire Cider. Fire Cider typically contains the following ingredients: raw apple cider vinegar, raw honey, fresh ginger, horseradish, onion, garlic, turmeric, cayenne, and sea salt. Search for recipes online on how to make this powerful cold and flu fighter.

Probiotics: The “Opposite” of Antibiotics

The prefix “pro” means “for” and “bio” means “life.” Probiotics help regenerate and populate the healthy or good bacterial flora in your small and large intestine. In the last decade alone, there have been over 5,000 published studies on probiotics in medical literature. Probiotics have been safely used for centuries all over the world, contributing to digestive health, and thus healthier immune function.
According to The World Health Organization, probiotics confer a health benefit to the body. Many common single-organism and composite probiotics in use today have been studied for efficacy.
As stated above, fermented foods contain probiotic bacteria and are an important inclusion into your diet. But finding a good probiotic supplement is also important, especially while taking antibiotics.
Seek out a probiotic with this highly effective strain – Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1. This strain has been shown in studies to colonize well in the gut.
It should be noted here that prebiotics are also important as they stimulate growth of healthy bacteria in the GI tract, which also promotes good health. Prebiotics are carbohydrates that are not digested by the body and provide a food source for the probiotics. Good sources of prebiotics include bananas, leeks, asparagus, garlic, onions, tomatoes, and other plants.

The Silver-Aloe-Probiotic Protocol

Dr. Robert Scott Bell, radio host and expert natural healer, developed this Silver Aloe protocol to rebuild gut integrity and treat chronic gut dysbiosis issues. The protocol uses silver hydrosel (Sovereign Silver), a high quality aloe vera juice (e.g. Stockton Aloe 1), and an intensive probiotic regimen.
aloe vera juice with fresh leavesThe silver-aloe-probiotic combination works by carrying the active silver deep into the GI tract. This repairs epithelial tissue and facilitates villi recovery, but does not cause the inflammatory effects or microbial resistance that antibiotics create. You can learn more about the protocol in this video on YouTube.
Remember, with the majority of infections a healthy body knows how to respond. For most infections, one to two weeks of just waiting and doing nothing (except getting high quality nutrition and good sleep, of course) will do the trick.
In other cases you can likely shorten (considerably) the duration of most infections, by supplementing with natural remedies during that time. A good rule of thumb is to use a natural substance for as long as you would take an antibiotic (often 7 to 14 days).
Working with your body, instead of rushing to the doctor for a dose of gut and immune destroying antibiotics, can go a long way toward ensuring your overall good health and aiding in your prevention of cancer.

This article first appeared in the Sept 2015 edition of TTAC’s Heroes Against Cancer newsletter. Each month in Heroes Against Cancer we share the best ways you can use to get and stay healthy 

Cancer-Causing Toxins Lurking in Household Cleaning Products

Cancer-Causing Toxins Lurking in Household Cleaning Products

Have you ever walked down the cleaning and laundry soap aisle in your local grocery store and been assaulted with so many fragrances you wanted to run the other way? All of those concentrated chemical scents are pretty hard to take – especially if you suffer from allergies – and it isn’t just an assault on your nose.
Fragranced consumer products in the form of soaps, cleaners, air fresheners, hand sanitizers, laundry detergents, and personal care products are widespread in society. Studies have repeatedly shown that the synthetic fragrances and other toxic chemicals included in these products are causing a range of health problems for humans. They’re also harming wildlife and contributing to environmental pollution.

Carcinogens Found in Popular Laundry Products & Air Fresheners

Professor Anne Steinemann from the University of Washington (UW) in the U.S. studies the impact of synthetic fragrances on health. She became interested in the problem when people started suggesting to her that the air fresheners in public restrooms and the fragrances coming from laundry and cleaning products were making them sick. Through a series of investigative studies over a period of several years, Steinemann and her colleagues discovered that synthetic fragrances were just the tip of the iceberg causing health problems for people.
In 2008, Steinemann and a team of researchers at UW investigated six of the top-selling laundry products and air fresheners. They wanted to discover what exactly they contained that might be contributing to health issues. Because the manufacturers who create these products are not required to disclose the ingredients, each product was separately analyzed to determine what was in them. What they found was alarming…
Of the six products, almost 100 chemicals were found, some of them identified as toxic or hazardous under federal law. None of the ingredients were listed on the product label, and there were no warnings. According to Steinemann, five of the six productsreleased one or more carcinogenic “hazardous air pollutants,” which are considered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to have NO safe exposure level.

Could Your Dryer Vent Be Making You Sick?

In 2011, the same team of researchers performed a controlled study investigating the emissions from washing machines and dryers. The emissions were sampled from two residential dryer vents during the use of:
  • no products
  • detergent with fragrance
  • detergent and dryer sheets, both with fragrance
The researchers found more than 25 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were emitted from dryer vents, with high concentrations of the chemicals acetaldehyde, acetone, and ethanol. Seven of these VOCs were classified as hazardous air pollutants and two as carcinogenic (acetaldehyde and benzene).

Toxic Chemicals Affect 99% of the U.S. Population

In 2016 Prof Steinemann wrote an article that was published in the journal Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. The article reported results from a national population survey of Americans looking into the range of exposures and effects associated with the emissions from fragranced products. Steinemann reported:
Collectively, 99.1 percent of the population are exposed to fragranced products at least once a week from their own use, others’ use, or both.
An astounding 34.7% of the population reported health problems attributable to this exposure, including:
  • respiratory difficulties
  • neurological problems
  • asthma attacks
  • dizziness
  • migraine headaches
A worrying 15.1% of the population lost work days or even their job due to the effects from fragranced product exposure on the job.

The Worst Chemical Offenders in Cleaning Supplies

The toxic chemicals routinely being included in laundry detergents, air fresheners, and other cleaning products can affect not only our personal health but also the environment. These chemicals are emitted into the air and contribute to air pollution. They go down the drain and into bodies of water and create havoc in our waterways and streams. The animals that drink this water are adversely affected. The fish that swim in this water are also under stress.
Some of the most damaging chemicals found in cleaning supplies are:
Synthetic fragrances – A fragrance in a product is typically a mixture of several dozen to several hundred chemicals, most of which have not been evaluated for their safety. The combination of the chemicals used can be carcinogenic if inhaled or worn close to the skin – which is of course what happens.
Stabilizers – Included to help stabilize the formula for longer shelf life. Examples include ethylene oxide or polyalkylene oxide, linked with eye, skin, and lung irritation, as well as rashes and dermatitis.
Surfactants – Included to help the product clean better. Examples include sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which has a long list of health concerns including organ toxicity, developmental and reproductive problems, neurotoxicity, possible mutations, and cancer; diethanolamine (DEA), linked with eye and skin irritation and possibly liver problems; quaternium-15, known to release formaldehyde, a known carcinogen; linear alkyl benzene sulfonates (LA), linked with eye and skin irritation and toxic to aquatic life; benzene, a known carcinogen; petroleum distillates, linked to lung damage and cancer.
1,4 dioxane – A by-product of sodium lauryl sulfate linked to respiratory problems, allergies, hormone disruption, kidney disease, nervous system disorders, brain toxicity, liver disease, and immune system impairment.
Bleach: Either separately or included in a detergent formula, bleach is a known skin, eye and lung irritant. Worse, when it combines with waste water, toxic organic compounds are formed that are known to cause respiratory problems as well as kidney and liver damage.
Phosphates and EDTA: Included in formulas to soften hard water, remove grease and dirt, and suspend dirt so that it doesn’t settle back on clothes or dishes during the wash cycle. Phosphates have long been associated with environmental damage – especially in waterways – causing algal blooms that cause widespread damage to ecosystems. Many detergent manufacturers have eliminated phosphates, but the replacement, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is not much better. It does not readily break down in the environment (biodegrade), and animal studies have found it to be toxic.
Optical Whiteners: Chemicals that remain on the surface of fabric to absorb UV light and help clothing appear brighter, whiter, and more vibrant; an optical illusion. Optical brighteners are linked with contact dermatitis and possible genetic mutations in aquatic life, according to one Swedish study. They are not biodegradable.
There are many other chemicals in cleaners and other household products – these are just the worst offenders. As a direct result of the presence of these chemicals in the average home, the EPA has reported that the air inside these homes is two to five times more polluted than the air immediately outside them!

Why Doesn’t the Government Protect Us?

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, the regulating body for laundry products, air fresheners, and cleaning supplies in America, does not require manufacturers to disclose any of the ingredients on the product label. That also holds true for the inclusion of fragrances in personal care products, which are overseen by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
Many of the chemicals used in cleaning products have not been tested for safety, particularly in combination with other chemicals. Frustratingly, some chemicals proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be harmful are still being used. It appears that only once it has been decided by the regulatory agency responsible for a particular chemical type that it could present an “unreasonable risk to human health or the environment” can that chemical be banned. This “innocent until proven guilty” approach to toxic chemicals is nowhere near good enough to protect us.
In 2009, U.S. Senator Alan Franken sponsored a bill entitled The Household Product Labeling Act, which would have required manufacturers to label consumer products with all ingredients, including fragrances. Unfortunately, the bill was not passed.
As usual, it is up to us as health-conscious consumers to educate ourselves on the hazards of common household cleaners and products and to make better, wiser choices. Unfortunately you’ll to do your research carefully as even some self-proclaimed “green” or “natural” cleaning products contain health-harming ingredients.

Is it REALLY Safe to Drink Bottled Water?

Bottled water is sold all over the world. Available in grocery and convenience stores, restaurants, recreation centers, schools, gas stations, and almost everywhere… bottled water is a staple stock item. But is bottled water safe?
In recent years there has been a lot of controversy about water. Some say the water in the bottles, even in fancy labeled brands claiming to come from far away mountain springs, is actually from city tap water. Others say that city tap water is actually good for you because it’s fluoridated and fluoride is good for your teeth − especially children’s teeth.
But what is the truth about bottled water? And how safe is plastic, really? And how are these chemicals impacting your health?
In this article I will be shedding some light on these very important questions.
As a child, I remember my teacher in school getting us to memorize this famous slogan: “reduce, reuse, recycle.” Now, the majority of Americans know they should recycle their plastic bottles. But where does all this plastic come from in the first place?
Over 60 million water bottles are thrown away each day in the United States alone and only a small percentage of these (around one in six) get recycled. No wonder so many chemicals are being leached into our precious soil. Imagine the environmental impact this has.
Bottled water is a trillion dollar industry. How does that affect the environment and our drinking water? If the toxic chemicals are leaching into the soil, how much more is going into our rivers and lakes? Could there be a connection too between our drinking water and cancer?

3 Hazards Commonly Found in Plastic Water Bottles

1. Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that Big Industry uses to stabilize epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics or hard plastics. It is also used in softer plastics to prevent cracking.
What does that have to do with your drinking water? It’s important to know that the plastic used for bottled water often contains BPA. It’s known to leach into the water when exposed to heat, which in turn creates “faux estrogen” or what is also known as bad estrogen. High levels of circulating bad estrogen is recognized as a cause of ovarian, prostate, and breast cancers.
Furthermore, BPA has been found to adversely affect fetuses, infants and children’s brains, and prostate glands. Behavior disorders are also prevalent from BPA contamination leading to hyperactivity and aggression in children.
BPA is used in plastic containers for food, and the linings of cans of infant formula and many food products. Again the problem is the leaching of the chemicals into the food − especially if it is microwaved. When you eat foods from these containers, you’re at risk of being poisoned by this dangerous chemical. Some say that it is such a small amount that the effects are negligible. But many researchers are now pointing out that the chemicals accumulate and are the reason for such a high concentration of BPA found in umbilical cords and soft tissues in the body.
BPA also affects marine life in freshwater in a similar fashion as humans. It gets in the air from evaporation out of contaminated water so it’s possible to get more doses via breathing infected air. Finally, it is used in paper receipts so whenever we touch them we get a small dose of BPA. All these small sources add up over time to a large dose that accumulates in the body and can lead to the following health hazards.
BPA has been found to adversely affect the endocrine and reproductive systems and to increase the risk of breast, prostate, ovarian, and brain cancer. It also increases the occurrence of hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, aggressive behavior, and asthma.
These problems can be prevented if we use glass and stainless steel containers instead of plastic. It’s important to take a stand and push for the discontinued use of BPAs to protect our environment and our bodies.

2. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

PET bottles are BPA-free but they pose other potential health risks. According to the North Dakota State University reports, PET bottles contain contaminants of fecal matter, saliva, and food residues in the plastic so they are hazardous to your health when re-used. This is primarily as a result of the soft plastic which is nearly impossible to clean, thus the reason for the significant presence of contaminants after multiple usage.

3. Phthalates

Phthalates are another chemical compound used to make plastic flexible, particularly PVC (polyvinyl chloride). These also leach into the water contained in their bottles or water supplied by PVC pipes. The problems they cause in humans include: liver cancer, testicular atrophy, and sterility in males.

How Do You Know What’s in Your Plastic Water Bottle?

How do you know what kind of plastic was used in the various brands of water bottles? In my opinion, there is no way that you can be certain whether the plastic used was free from contaminants or dangerous chemicals because bottling companies change plastics without notice. As a result I suggest avoiding plastic water bottles altogether.

Is Tap Water Better than Bottled Water?

So, the next question is…why don’t I just get rid of all this plastic bottled water nonsense and just use tap water? Since statistics show 40% of the water in bottled water is from the tap anyway… then why not?
Yes, you should use tap water. But only after you’ve filtered it with a quality filtration system, which I will discuss in a
If you use tap water without filtration you risk contamination of heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria, and other potentially dangerous unknown substances. If you think about it, city tap water is held in massive containers that come to your home through a large network of pipes with questionable hygienic standards. Therefore, the water itself has to be treated with chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, and other unhealthy chemical poisons in order to ensure you’re getting “clean” water.
And then you might ask, “What’s wrong with that? It’s clean water after all.” The problem is the chemicals. Even in small amounts you don’t want fluoride and chlorine accumulating in your system. Yes, it’s only small quantities, but if you’re taking them in regularly it adds up to a big problem. And if you’re cooking with and showering in fluoridated and chlorinated water, it’s even worse.

How Fluoride and Chlorine Adversely Affect Your Body

Boiling water kills bacteria but concentrates the fluoride and other chemicals. This is a problem because fluoride is a neurotoxic chemical causing brain damage. Man-made fluoride has been reported by researchers to reduce IQ levels and make people more docile.
Chlorine, on the other hand, is poisonous. Pool water is a highly concentrated form and is known to cause breathing problems, red itchy eyes, swelling of the mucous membranes, dizziness, headaches, and more in many people.
If you are sitting near the pool sunbathing you will be breathing in the gaseous form which is highly toxic. Consistent exposure will lead to a dramatic increase of free radical damage to your skin and airways as well as hair. This means high risk for contracting cancer.
If you have your own pool you may consider using a silver-copper ion generator instead. This is an issue that should be taken seriously as people who are exposed to chlorinated water are at a 93% higher risk of developing various cancers.
Breast cancer has been linked to high levels of chlorine compounds found in the breast tissue, according to a study from Hartford Connecticut. So a little chlorine to kill bacteria has gone a long way to killing humans bit by bit through the accumulation of the chemicals in the body.
Furthermore, chlorine is effective in destroying probiotics, the healthy bacteria that aids in digestion in the body. This in turn leads to digestive distress, heartburn, acid reflux, leaky gut, ulcers, constipation, and eventually gastrointestinal tract related cancers.

What about Home Water Filtration Methods?

  • Reverse Osmosis is becoming popular, but it removes minerals that need to be replaced to avoid loss of minerals due to leaching.
  • Ionized water machines boast higher energy and alkalinity to restore the body to a balanced pH. These should be used with caution, following the instructions carefully, and possibly consulting a health professional that can assist you.
  • Distilled Water is formed from boiling the water and collecting the steam in a condenser that collects the purified water in a clean container. If you distill your own water using glass and storing it in glass, then it should be okay as far as being contaminant free. But when it is ingested it leaches the minerals from the body causing all manner of mineral damage.If you purchase distilled water that has been stored in plastic bottles it contains phthalates − components of the plastic- which are dangerous for your health. It has been reported that phthalates interrupt endocrine functions in the body resulting in breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, thyroid problems, and more. So, get distilled water in glass and add minerals from quality mineral salt if you want to prevent leaching.

Is Vitamin Water a Healthy Choice?

One of the worst health scams Big Industry has come up with (other than deceptive labels on other products) is Vitamin Water. Most vitamin water contains high fructose corn syrup and food dyes which wreak havoc on the body’s delicate internal systems. Corn syrup has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and immune and metabolic disorders. It also feeds cancer and creates acidic conditions in the body that encourage bacteria growth and the proliferation of viruses as well as other chronic diseases.
Food dyes, on the other hand, are linked to various cancers, behavioral disorders, mental dysfunctions, and metabolic problems. So avoid vitamin water and other so-called “health drinks” manufactured by Big Industry. The truth is that man-made water enriched with synthetic vitamins and minerals is as bad as or worse than sodas. But at least with soda you are aware of the health risk and can limit your intake.
With supposed health drinks you are unlikely to recognize the disastrous effects until after you have been duly poisoned. Even then you may not make the connection until a serious problem occurs.
Remember, there is no man-made food or drink that can replace the thousands of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and healthy bacteria found in natural, unadulterated organic whole foods.

4 Tips For Reducing Your Exposure to Toxins Released By Plastic

  1. Exchange your plastic bottles for stainless steel or glass
  2. Invest in a good quality carbon water filter and filter your tap water and store it in glass or ceramic containers
  3. Avoid cooking and heating any food or water in plastic or Styrofoam
  4. If you must eat or drink from plastic be careful not to expose the food to the sun, high heat, microwave, or cut into the plastic while you are consuming the product.

What is All this Plastic Doing to Our Environment?

With all the trillions of dollars made by selling water in plastic bottles to the public, you can see how this poses a problem to the environment if these bottles are not properly recycled.
Ask yourself this question: Where does all this plastic go?
Answer: some goes into landfills, and some into the oceans, rivers and lakes. Some stays in humans and animals.
It takes years for nature to completely break down these products even though manufacturers claim that they have a half-life of ten days. Don’t believe it! Have you seen plastic water bottles disintegrate in a few weeks? I haven’t. Rather, they seem to accumulate over a number of years. It takes a significant length of time for nature to disassemble the components of plastic. Then all the toxic matter is released into the surrounding environment to further poison our soil, water, and air.
Glass and stainless steel are reusable and do not contaminate the environment, so it is an alternative we all need to embrace with diligence.
As for the health impact, the accumulation of the toxic chemicals in the tissues and organs of the human body are carcinogenic and hazardous to our health. Why should something that takes five minutes to use be allowed to accumulate in the earth when we could use eco-friendly products that would benefit our planet?!
It’s up to us to make the change and it affects all of us. We can help to prevent a myriad of health problems by boycotting plastic use. The benefits are worth our committed efforts. Let’s stop funding Big Industry’s abuse of our planet. Together we can make it happen!